Benefits Realization
Have you ever had a project that ultimately didn't deliver the benefits you needed?
Can you justify the time and expense of your completed (or on-going) projects?
Sometimes, the benefits realized are so small compared to the time and money that has gone into projects.
At other times, we don’t even realize any benefit at all!
Let’s face it, benefits are the reason any project is created and implemented!
And without doubt, organizations commit substantial investments into projects. Therefore, it is only logical that the executives ensure that the hard work and investment that has gone into projects gives the greatest possible business return.
But in reality, most executives do not have comprehensive information about whether their on-going projects are delivering the benefits they proposed at inception. And as such, when those projects are completed, (key) benefits are rarely realized.
This is a difficult situation for organizations – they struggle to justify the benefits of implementing previous (or on-going) projects, and yet they continue to invest in new projects for competitive reasons.
The truth is, project benefits do not just happen— they require effective management.
And this is where ALKIC Consulting comes in.
Our consultants have several years of experience in successfully delivering benefits through projects and programs. We have a track record of using project management skills to drive organizations towards excellence, and bringing shareholders value.
From our experience, we know that benefits management cannot be taken in isolation from good project management practices. This is because by its very nature, benefit management crosses all boundaries, and needs to be an integral part of the business case, project selection, project sequencing, project delivery and tracking processes.
We are well equipped to guide you through every facet of benefit realization.
So, whether you are already executing your projects, or you are just starting off, or you might even be at the project selection phase, we have simple solutions that can guide you all the way.
Find Us
53 Opebi Road
Ikeja, Lagos
2010 - present
2010 - present